Vote for Ignoble/Dynamite Economics Prize

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Vot­ing is now open for what has been renamed the Dyna­mite Prize in Eco­nom­ics.

The renam­ing was nec­es­sary because the own­ers of the Ig Nobel Prize object­ed to the similarity–which is under­stand­able. They also sug­gest­ed the Dyna­mite Prize as a use­ful alter­na­tive.

We are, after all, intend­ing to award the prize to the three econ­o­mists who did most to drop the GFC bomb on the glob­al econ­o­my, via their naive and utter­ly unre­al­is­tic the­o­ries of eco­nom­ics.

The selec­tion process pro­duced the fol­low­ing set of nom­i­nees:

  • Fis­ch­er Black and Myron Scholes
  • Eugene Fama
  • Mil­ton Fried­man
  • Alan Greenspan
  • Assar Lind­beck
  • Robert Lucas
  • Richard Portes
  • Edward Prescott and Finn E. Kyd­land
  • Paul Samuel­son
  • Lar­ry Sum­mers

I would have pre­ferred to see Bernanke there as well–he was one of my own nominees–but he did­n’t sur­vive the edi­to­r­i­al process.

After all, there was stiff com­pe­ti­tion…

Vot­ing is via the Real World Eco­nom­ics Review Blog, and it’s extreme­ly sim­ple: just go to the blog, tick the three nom­i­nees you regard most wor­thy of receiv­ing the Prize, and click on the Vote but­ton (the list is on the right hand col­umn of the blog). Your com­put­er’s IP address is record­ed (so that you can’t vote twice) and the votes are then auto­mat­i­cal­ly tal­lied.

Over a thou­sand peo­ple had vot­ed as of two days ago. Please add to the numbers–the more the mer­ri­er on this unpop­u­lar­i­ty poll. Help send a mes­sage to the many neo­clas­si­cal econ­o­mists who still don’t get it that their the­o­ries helped cause this cri­sis.

For the record, my own votes were for Greenspan, Fried­man, and Samuel­son.

Once you’ve done that, turn your mind to anoth­er top­ic: what to call what was to be the Nobel Prize in Eco­nom­ics for the three econ­o­mists who did the most to antic­i­pate and warn about the GFC. Since we’re includ­ing dead econ­o­mists in the list for get­ting the Stick of Dyna­mite, I will def­i­nite­ly be nom­i­nat­ing Hyman Min­sky as the out­stand­ing can­di­date for the … What shall we call it? Ideas please!

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