Interview on

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I was recent­ly inter­viewed by Eric Tave­nier for the web­site, which is an engi­neer recruit­ment and job search ser­vice in the USA.

Eric was tak­en with my advo­ca­cy of what I called “Engi­neer Cap­i­tal­ists” (in con­trast to the finan­cial spivs who dom­i­nate busi­ness today in the USA) in my inter­view on The Keis­er Report, and want­ed me to elab­o­rate for his audi­ence. The inter­views have been post­ed to YouTube (see below).

For Aus­tralian view­ers, there was an inter­est­ing report in today’s Sun­day Tele­graph on the lev­el of mort­gage debt in Aus­tralia, which now exceeds 100% of our GDP–higher than Amer­i­ca at 95.5%.

The sto­ry “Cred­it binge sets new debt record” by the Sun­day Telegraph’s Busi­ness Edi­tor Nick Gard­ner, was the front page lead, and con­tin­ues on to page 8. It has led to two inter­views today by Chan­nel Nine and the ABC, which should run on tonight’s news bul­letins (Sun­day Decem­ber 27th).

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