Australia in the Red

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I will be a pan­elist at Aus­tralia in the Red, a forum on debt organ­ised by The Dai­ly Reck­on­ing & Mon­ey Morn­ing, to be held at the State Library of Vic­to­ria on Fri­day July 31st from 7pm-11pm. The evening includes a pan­el dis­cus­sion on debt–with Dan Den­ning, Kris Sayce, Phillip Ander­son and Gabriel Andre as well as myself–followed by the screen­ing of “I.O.U.S.A.”.

The fol­low­ing infor­ma­tion is tak­en from their pro­mo­tion for the event, tick­ets for which are lim­it­ed and cost $199–click here for the online book­ing form. The “I’ll” below is Dan Den­ning.

7:00pm You’ll reg­is­ter in the audi­to­ri­um foy­er at the State Library of Vic­to­ria in cen­tral Mel­bourne (entry via the La Trobe Street entrance). Over com­pli­men­ta­ry cham­pagne and canapés you’ll get the chance to intro­duce your­self to fel­low del­e­gates and mem­bers of our pan­el of experts
7:40pm Time to move into the audi­to­ri­um and take your seat for the evening pro­gramme
7:45pm I’ll for­mal­ly wel­come you to our sum­mit — and you’ll hear a spe­cial video wel­come to Aus­tralian del­e­gates from Dai­ly Reck­on­ing founder Bill Bon­ner
8:00pm Pan­el dis­cus­sion begins — this is your chance to put your ques­tion about Aus­trali­a’s debt cri­sis per­son­al­ly to our team of experts
9:30pm Sit back and enjoy the exclu­sive first ever Aus­tralian pub­lic screen­ing ofI.O.U.S.A. We antic­i­pate the event to fin­ish by 11:00pm.
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