Into 5 Figures

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This is some­thing mem­bers of the blog won’t be amazed to hear, but it’s a mile­stone nonethe­less: Debt­watch has just had its first two days with more than 10,000 unique read­ers:

There are also some­thing in the vicin­i­ty of 500 RSS read­ers (I would appre­ci­ate find­ing out how many there are right now, from any­one more tech­ni­cal­ly savvy than I am on these things). Oh, and over 1250 sub­scribers, mak­ing about 100 posts a day in a very active–and very affable–discussion.

I can’t think of any sig­nif­i­cant way to sign off here, so I’ll just take my hat off and thank you all for par­tic­i­pat­ing.

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