Excellent Switzer interview on Sky News Australia

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I have just been inter­viewed by Peter Switzer on the Switzer show on Sky News Aus­tralia. Peter inter­viewed me for over 15 min­utes, which allowed plen­ty of time to dis­cuss such things as:

Into 5 Figures

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This is some­thing mem­bers of the blog won’t be amazed to hear, but it’s a mile­stone nonethe­less: Debt­watch has just had its first two days with more than 10,000 unique read­ers:

There are also some­thing in the vicin­i­ty of 500 RSS read­ers (I would appre­ci­ate find­ing out how many there are right now, from any­one more tech­ni­cal­ly savvy than I am on these things). Oh, and over 1250 sub­scribers, mak­ing about 100 posts a day in a very active–and very affable–discussion.

I can’t think of any sig­nif­i­cant way to sign off here, so I’ll just take my hat off and thank you all for par­tic­i­pat­ing.

SBS Dateline tonight with George Negus

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George negus is inter­view­ing me and Peter Schiff on Date­line tonight. The top­ic is the attempt­ed res­cue of Fan­nie Mae and Fred­die Mac, and what that may mean for the glob­al econ­o­my and Aus­tralia in par­tic­u­lar.

Date­line goes to air tonight (Wednes­day) at 8.30pm. It is also acces­si­ble on the web, the day after the pro­gram goes to air.

In oth­er news, the pod­casts are cur­rent­ly not func­tion­al, but I hope to fix them up tomor­row.

3 new podcast entries–and SBS Insight tomorrow

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Well Stu Cameron has been on the ball, but clear­ly I’ve stuffed up link­ing the files on my site! Sev­er­al read­ers have told me that the pod­casts 3–6 can’t be accessed.

At some stage they will be avail­able, but I have a rush of work on right now so please wait until I put up a new post with prop­er­ly test­ed links. My apolo­gies for the con­fu­sion in the mean­time.


And you can also access the audio files from:


The top­ics of these three pod­casts (Num­bers 4, 5 and 6) are:

Debtwatch Podcast Now Up and Running

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The Debt­watch Pod­cast is now oper­a­tional. To hear the first inter­view, down­load it, and/or sub­scribe to the month­ly feed via Itunes or sim­i­lar soft­ware, please click on the link below:

Debt­Watch Pod­cast

To sub­scribe direct­ly, sim­ply copy and paste the link below into your pod­cast soft­ware:


Thanks again to Cameron Media Tech­nol­o­gy for pro­vid­ing this ser­vice.

Debtwatch Goes Podcast

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By the kind aus­pices of Stu­art Cameron of Cameron Media Tech­nol­o­gy Pty Ltd, Debt­watch is now going “pod”. Each mon­th’s report will be accom­pa­nied by an inter­view, which will be avail­able for down­load and sub­scrip­tion via Itunes (etc.).

 The first pod­cast, which dis­cuss­es the “Expe­ri­ence can be mis­lead­ing” elec­tion spe­cial report, can be accessed here. Short­ly we’ll also have the XML link to enable sub­scrip­tion to the pod­cast via Itunes and the like.

Thanks again to Stu­art for pro­vid­ing his pro­fes­sion­al skills to make this pod­cast pos­si­ble.

Deflated changes in Wages and Debt: 7.30 Report Data

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Tables like the ones below take my breath away when I see them for the first time–because the sto­ry they tell is worse than any I would have dared make up. As I not­ed in the inter­view with Ker­ry O’Brien on the 7.30 Report, real wages have increased since 1990, and since Aus­trali­a’s last elec­tion in late 2004. How­ev­er, mort­gage debt has increased by far more.

Data for 7.30 Report Interview coming soon…

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I pro­vid­ed a num­ber of com­par­isons of real wages, mort­gage pay­ments, inter­est rates and the like in my inter­view on the 7.30 Report this evening. I’ll post a table con­tain­ing those data by tomor­row morn­ing.

If you’re a new vis­i­tor and would like to receive my Debt­watch Report, which Ker­ry men­tioned in tonight’s inter­view, please click here to send me an email about it. Or you could sign up for the blog, after which I will add you to the sub­scribers list (there have been some has­sles report­ed by some users on this front by the way, so if that hap­pens to you, please fol­low the First Rule of computers–“If at first you don’t suc­ceed, give up”–and send me an email instead).

Link to extended 7.30 Report Interview

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The 7.30 Report is mak­ing good use of the web with its extend­ed inter­view fea­ture. These are the edit­ed high­lights of the major inter­views it does for sto­ries, at best ten per cent of which sees the light of day in the final sto­ry.

Here is the link to the extend­ed inter­view with me for their sto­ry on preda­to­ry lend­ing and the Cooks case.

7.30 Report on “American mortgage shock waves hit Australia”

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Those of you who missed last night’s 7.30 Report (like myself–I was play­ing ten­nis at the time!) should check the link below:

 Amer­i­can mort­gage shock waves hit Aus­tralia

Apolo­gies again for a tardy update cycle on this blog, but as you can imag­ine, I’m busy as hell right now. When the dust settles–in ear­ly October–I hope to bring every­thing up to date.

I will also be releas­ing a mini-book on debt for the Cen­tre for Pol­i­cy Devel­op­ment on Sep­tem­ber 18th. Venue TBA, but please con­tact the CPD if you’d like to attend. The work­ing title is And Deep­er in Debt…