Search Results for: Keen

Freezing site/Moving to Patreon & Profstevekeen

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I’m freez­ing this site and mov­ing to both Patre­on ( and a new web­site There are sev­er­al rea­sons:

  • This site’s signup secu­ri­ty failed, and some­thing like 50,000 bot-users have signed up.
    • It’s just too cum­ber­some in Word­Press to delete them selec­tive­ly from here, so it’s eas­i­er to move to a new, clean site;
  • I used to be very active in dis­cus­sions here, but the demands on my time became so exces­sive over time that I have vir­tu­al­ly stopped par­tic­i­pat­ing;

Prof. Steve Keen on private debt and his solution people’s QE

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I’ve had some tough inter­views over the years (such as the BBC HARDtalk! inter­view ear­li­er this year with Stephen Sack­ur), but I’d have to cred­it the stu­dent inter­view­ers at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Ams­ter­dam’s Room for Dis­cus­sion event with giv­ing me the tough­est, well-informed grilling my ideas have had in pub­lic. I’m fol­low­ing up lat­er today with a keynote speech at the Dutch Rethink­ing Eco­nom­ics event tonight, and I’ll post that here lat­er this week.

The World Today on Keen vs UWS

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I am now in an indus­tri­al dis­pute with the Uni­ver­si­ty of West­ern Syd­ney over two mat­ters: a charge of “Seri­ous Mis­con­duct” which they lev­eled at me dur­ing the unsuc­cess­ful cam­paign to stop UWS abol­ish­ing our Eco­nom­ics degree; and their fail­ure to act on my appli­ca­tion for a Vol­un­tary Redun­dan­cy with­in the time required by UWS’s Enter­prise Agree­ment.

There will be a hear­ing at the Fair Work Com­mis­sion at 2.30pm at 80 William Street Syd­ney. I would be delight­ed to see read­ers of this blog there. This fea­ture by Michael Jan­da on the ABC’s The World Today gives a good overview of the dis­pute.

Steve Keen’s Tour of New Zealand

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Steve will be tour­ing New Zealand from Thurs­day 6th Sep­tem­ber through till Mon­day 10th Sep­tem­ber, at the invi­ta­tion of talk­sNZ, to give 3 exclu­sive sem­i­nars. These will include exam­i­na­tion of eco­nom­ics as a real world con­cern, and analy­sis of the glob­al finan­cial sit­u­a­tion and the New Zealand econ­o­my. Steve will be pre­sent­ing 2 sem­i­nars in Auck­land and 1 in Welling­ton, with the dates/times sched­uled as fol­lows:

Top­ic:   The New Zealand and Aus­tralian Asset Mar­kets

Date:     Fri­day 7 Sep­tem­ber
Time:     8.45am — 3.00pm
Venue:   Bar­rycourt Hotel
20 Glad­stone Rd, Par­nell, Auck­land

Top­ic:   The Glob­al Econ­o­my

Extensions of the Keen-Minsky Model for Financial Fragility

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Last Fri­day 3rd August, Dr. Matheus Gras­sel­li from the Fields Insti­tute in Toron­to Cana­da presents an in depth talk on the math­e­mat­i­cal foun­da­tions of the Keen-Min­sky Mod­el on finan­cial insta­bil­i­ty. Steve spent 6 weeks with Matheus at the Fields Insti­tute over June and July, with an inten­sive research agen­da to progress the math­e­mat­i­cal log­ic behind Min­sky.  The event was held at UWS. Unfor­tu­nate­ly the audi­ence ques­tions are dif­fi­cult to hear with micro­phone set­up that was used, and there is a small break in the footage at 12 min­utes and 18 sec­onds in.

Click here to view Matheus’s research paper.

A Galilean Gesture: Eating with Dr. Steve Keen

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My talk at the  Cana­di­an Cen­tre for Pol­i­cy Alter­na­tives was attend­ed by an inter­est­ing eclec­tic bunch, with pos­si­bly the most eclec­tic of all being Genevieve Tran, who pub­lish­es the “Mon­ey Big and Small” blog. She asked me about finan­cial lit­er­a­cy, I replied that the con­cept, like so much in eco­nom­ics, has been made non­sense of by neo­clas­si­cal econ­o­mists, and the con­ver­sa­tion con­tin­ued on from there.

This is her record of the evening. For more of Genevieve’s writ­ings, check out her blog (she warns me there’s an approach­ing “Galileo Plays Fris­bee” fol­lowup).

Capital Account Interview on the Keen-Krugman Brawl

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Lau­ren Lyster and Demetri Kofi­nas at Rus­sia Today’s Cap­i­tal Account did their usu­al bril­liant job in this inter­view with me about the Krug­man brawl, and I’ve been some­what remiss in not post­ing it here ear­li­er. I’ve giv­en enough links on this top­ic in ear­li­er posts not to both­er now, so look to those if you want to fol­low the debate in more detail.

Krugman on (or maybe off) Keen

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Paul Krug­man has just com­ment­ed (twice) on my most recent blog about my paper for INET. In one sense, I’m delight­ed. The Neo­clas­si­cal Estab­lish­ment (yes Paul, you’re part of the Estab­lish­ment) has ignored non-Neo­clas­si­cal researchers like me for decades, so it’s good to see engage­ment rather than wil­ful (or more prob­a­bly blind) igno­rance of alter­na­tive approach­es.

Click here for this post in PDF

Fig­ure 1: Krug­man’s first piece

There is a bizarre asym­me­try in eco­nom­ics: crit­ics of Neo­clas­si­cal eco­nom­ics like myself read Neo­clas­si­cal lit­er­a­ture avid­ly, no because we agree with it—far from it—but because we feel oblig­ed to under­stand why they hold to their coun­ter­fac­tu­al views on the econ­o­my.

Keen to be heard” in BRW

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Busi­ness Review Week­ly has just pub­lished a pro­file on me and my debt-based macro­eco­nom­ics, on pages 24–25 of the cur­rent issue (Feb­ru­ary 16–22 2012):

Keen to be heard

The author Nick Gard­ner has done a very good job of explain­ing why the change in pri­vate debt mat­ters. I’d have to con­cede that his brief expla­na­tion using the actu­al GDP and change in debt fig­ures for the USA is a lot clear­er than most of my chart-laden posts.