Debtwatch Association Meeting March 9

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Sev­er­al mem­bers have point­ed out that I got the month wrong: the meet­ing to form the Asso­ci­a­tion will take place this com­ing Tuesday–which is March 9, not April 9 as I first post­ed here.

My apolo­gies for the con­fu­sion. In any case, it looks like quite a few peo­ple were able to see past my slip and we now have about 15 mem­bers signed up for din­ner this Tues­day at a rather nice venue in Syd­ney (I will stick to just let­ting peo­ple know where by return email). The cost for the din­ner will be $65 per per­son, and it will start at 7pm at a venue not too far from Syd­ney’s CBD.

If you would like to join us, there’s still time for me to expand the num­bers; just drop me an email at debunk­ing at gmail dot com.

I will try to keep the for­mal side of the evening to a min­i­mum. We have to:

Adopt a mod­el con­sti­tu­tion for Asso­ci­a­tions;

Agree for a few objec­tives spe­cif­ic to our own Asso­ci­a­tion;

Nom­i­nate 3 names (one of which will be used to name the Asso­ci­a­tion);

Elect office bear­ers (Pres­i­dent, VP, Trea­sur­er and Sec­re­tary) and 3 ordi­nary mem­bers of the Com­mit­tee.

Some oth­er blog mem­bers have vol­un­teered to help with legal and account­ing require­ments, for which I am very grate­ful. As not­ed, the Asso­ci­a­tion’s main role will be to admin­is­ter the funds raised by the dona­tion wid­gets here and on, and autho­rise expen­di­ture occa­sion­al­ly (with the most urgent expen­di­tures being asso­ci­at­ed with the Walk to Kosciousko in April). Oth­er­wise we’ll con­tin­ue to be the vir­tu­al com­mu­ni­ty we are now.

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