Paul Woolley Financial Market Dysfunctionality Conference

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I’m one of the pre­sen­ters at this con­fer­ence at UTS today. The con­fer­ence web­site has a link to all the papers (includ­ing mine). As usu­al, I’ve done an “all singing, all danc­ing” Pow­er­point pre­sen­ta­tion that has a few addi­tion­al details to it.

The Paul Wool­ley Cen­tre is a very use­ful devel­op­ment, giv­en the bias in aca­d­e­m­ic finance towards the propo­si­tion that finance mar­kets are actu­al­ly hyper-func­tion­al (“effi­cient” in the jar­gon, defined in a way that cor­re­ponds to “prophet­ic” in ordi­nary Eng­lish).

Paul Wool­ley is giv­ing a pub­lic lec­ture tonight “Is the Finan­cial Sec­tor Dys­func­tion­al”, at 6.15pm in Uni­ver­si­ty Hall at UTS–in the Sci­ence Build­ing, 745 Har­ris Street Ulti­mo (diag­o­nal­ly oppo­site the ABC build­ing). All are wel­come.

June & July Debtwatch PDFs posted

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I have now post­ed the PDFs of my June and July reports; hope­ful­ly in the next week or so I’ll get a chance to post the text to the blog as well. Apolo­gies again for the slow­ness here, but con­fer­ences and the sud­den press cov­er­age on debt wor­ries!

Post coming shortly

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This is basi­cal­ly an apol­o­gy for a slow update rate on the blog right now. I have had two con­fer­ence trips sep­a­rat­ed by exam mark­ing and stu­dent super­vi­sion loads; and I’m sit­ting in a con­fer­ence right now. I have two Debt­watch reports to post, updates to do to the Charts page, and plen­ty of press cov­er­age details to add, plus at least one com­ment to reply to. They will be forth­com­ing I hope by Fri­day.

Public Talk at UTS today 1pm

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I’m speak­ing at Real­i­ty Check, as part of the ALP Fringe Con­fer­ence pro­gram, which runs par­al­lel to the nation­al con­fer­ence and pro­vides NGOs and oth­er groups with an inter­est in influ­enc­ing ALP pol­i­cy with a plat­form to host dis­cus­sions and sem­i­nars.

I’m one of three speak­ers and we have only one hour, so it will be rushed: if you want to par­tic­i­pate, don’t be late:

Date: Fri­day April 27th; Time: 1–2pm; Venue: UTS Hay­mar­ket Cam­pus, Build­ing C, lev­el 1, Room 31. Just up Dar­ling Dri­ve from the Con­ven­tion Centre/down from UTS Library (view map) Enter via Block D next to the ‘Art of food’ cafe.

Hell’s Belles

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This post has nothing–well, almost nothing–to do with debt. But this is a blog, right? So I can post what­ev­er I want.

And what I want is for you to see a new play called Hel­l’s Belles–or at least spread the word about it.  It’s a com­e­dy with the under­ly­ing theme of “Be care­ful what you wish for”: two divorcees fan­ta­sis­ing about the ide­al man acci­den­tal­ly con­jure up a demon, who can only leave once he has some­one’s sig­na­ture on a con­tract that offers a wish in return for a soul.