Spanish translation of Debunking Economics

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I was recent­ly informed that a Span­ish trans­la­tion of Debunk­ing Eco­nom­ics is now avail­able via Ama­zon Spain, under the title “La Economía Desen­mas­cara­da

There’s one review so far:

Hay que agrade­cer que se haya tra­duci­do al español, dicho sea en primer lugar. Podría con­sid­er­arse este libro como un ‘anti­man­u­al’ de los tex­tos que se enseñan en la may­or parte de las fac­ul­tades del mun­do; es, por tan­to, aten­di­en­do a las patrañas con las que se ‘intox­i­ca’ las mentes de los estu­di­antes, un tex­to de SALUD Y REGENERACIÓN DE LA ECONOMÍA, si hay alguien que todavía cree que la cosa, léase la CIENCIA ECONÓMICA, no está per­di­da. Si alguien de ust­edes, sobre todo estu­di­ante de economía, cree que no es la tier­ra el cen­tro del uni­ver­so; pues sepa que lo que le enseñan en la fac­ul­tad viene a ser como si le jus­ti­ficaran todavía que es la tier­ra el cen­tro de uni­ver­so. Steve Keen con este ‘anti­man­u­al’ le ayu­da a enten­der CUÁL ES EL SOL ‑con­tin­uan­do con el símil- DEL UNIVERSO; o sea, le razona y argu­men­ta, como si se tratara de COPÉRNICO O GALILEO, qué es real­mente lo que ocurre con esta ‘lóbre­ga’ dis­ci­plina, y cómo los econ­o­mis­tas nos podemos con­ver­tir en hon­estos y rig­urosos cien­tí­fi­cos, y no en impo­s­tores servi­dores del poderoso farsante.

The Google Trans­late ver­sion of this is:

We must acknowl­edge that it has been trans­lat­ed into Span­ish, he said it first. One could con­sid­er this book as a ‘Anti­man­u­al’ texts taught in most of the pow­ers of the world; It is, there­fore, based on the lies with which ‘intox­i­cate’ the minds of stu­dents, a text HEALTH AND REGENERATION OF THE ECONOMY, if any­one still believes that the thing, read eco­nom­ics, is not lost . If any­one of you, espe­cial­ly eco­nom­ics stu­dent, believes that the earth is not the cen­ter of the uni­verse; then know that what they teach you in col­lege is like if you still jus­ti­fy the earth is the cen­ter of uni­verse. Steve Keen with this ‘Anti­man­u­al’ helps you under­stand WHAT IS THE SUN-con­tin­u­ing with the sim­i­le of the uni­verse; that is, he argues and argues, as if it were Coper­ni­cus or Galileo, which is real­ly what hap­pens to this ‘gloomy’ dis­ci­pline, and how econ­o­mists can turn us into hon­est and rig­or­ous sci­en­tif­ic, not impos­tors servers pow­er­ful pho­ny.

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About Steve Keen

I am Professor of Economics and Head of Economics, History and Politics at Kingston University London, and a long time critic of conventional economic thought. As well as attacking mainstream thought in Debunking Economics, I am also developing an alternative dynamic approach to economic modelling. The key issue I am tackling here is the prospect for a debt-deflation on the back of the enormous private debts accumulated globally, and our very low rate of inflation.