Time To Play Hardball Yanis

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The Greek ref­er­en­dum has deliv­ered a stun­ning vic­to­ry for Syriza and its anti-aus­ter­i­ty mes­sage. Despite the banks being closed as a result of the ECB lim­it­ing its pro­vi­sion of ban­knotes, and despite a unit­ed cho­rus of Euro­pean lead­ers warn­ing of dire con­se­quences if the No vote suc­ceed­ed, the Greeks have vot­ed No in over­whelm­ing num­bers. The final result looks like­ly to be a 62% No to 38% Yes rejec­tion of the Troika’s terms. Syriza now has over­whelm­ing sup­port from the Greek peo­ple to oppose the Troi­ka (a result that opin­ion polls got com­plete­ly wrong).

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About Steve Keen

I am Professor of Economics and Head of Economics, History and Politics at Kingston University London, and a long time critic of conventional economic thought. As well as attacking mainstream thought in Debunking Economics, I am also developing an alternative dynamic approach to economic modelling. The key issue I am tackling here is the prospect for a debt-deflation on the back of the enormous private debts accumulated globally, and our very low rate of inflation.