KeenWalk T‑shirts Available

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The T‑shirts have been print­ed and they look fan­tas­tic (if I do say so myself). There are 3 designs:

One high­lights the core issue that con­ven­tion­al eco­nom­ics ignores, and Debt Defla­tion the­o­ries take seriously–the ratio of pri­vate debt to GDP:

Debt to GDP Ratio from 1860 till 2010

Anoth­er shows the rela­tion­ship between the ratio of house prices to dis­pos­able incomes and the First Home Own­ers Grant. The Grant has been intro­duced, relaunched, or dou­bled on five occa­sions, and each time it made hous­ing less afford­able:

The FHOG and housing unaffordability

One shows the his­to­ry for real house prices in Japan, the USA and Aus­tralia:

Local and international house price bubbles

We pro­duced 20 of each of the 3 designs in 3 sizes: Medi­um, Large and Extra Large. Any­one who is walk­ing the entire route will get one for free, so if you are an “all the way” walk­er, please let us know what size will suit you and we’ll put one aside for you.

There are now 17 peo­ple who are doing the whole route (includ­ing the sup­port team of 5); Col­in McK­ay who has kind­ly donat­ed the shirts has kept 3 Medi­ums (one of each design); while I will be wear­ing a dif­fer­ent design each walk­ing day (anoth­er 7 Mediums–3 of the Debt to GDP ratio and 2 of the oth­ers). That leaves 33 T‑shirts that are avail­able for pur­chase, and we’ll be sell­ing them at $35 each to raise mon­ey for The Walk, with any excess funds going to the new­ly formed Cen­tre For Eco­nom­ic Sta­bil­i­ty (more on this soon, once the remain­ing legal details are com­plet­ed). If you’d like to pur­chase one, please click on this link to go to the shop­ping cart for the Cen­tre For Eco­nom­ic Sta­bil­i­ty.

Dona­tions to The Walk have now topped $2,000, while about $3,000 has been raised for Swags for Home­less. The costs will be sub­stan­tial­ly greater than this, and they are being cov­ered by funds donat­ed to Debt­watch and the fee I was paid for the debate with Chris Joye back in Feb­ru­ary.

With a dozen peo­ple walk­ing the entire dis­tance, about 30 peo­ple com­ing along for the start at Par­lia­ment House The Walk (includ­ing 3 stilt walk­ers), and up to half a dozen join­ing us for indi­vid­ual days on the route, The Walk is shap­ing up to be quite an event.

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