Everyone’s a critic…

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Thanks for all the feed­back on the T‑Shirt designs for my forth­com­ing walk from Par­lia­ment House to Mt Kosciuszko. I must admit I was a bit sur­prised by how many peo­ple were opposed to the dis­tort­ed text, but I take the point (of course, there were some who were strong­ly in favour of it).

And I do also want to have some fun–it isn’t all sour grapes! As some­one who has done graph­ic design at var­i­ous stages in my life, I like the look of the “fit text to curve” text–it’s the T‑shirt I’d like to have in my col­lec­tion. So what I’ve decid­ed to do is to pro­duce at least 4 of the 5 T‑shirts shown below, two of which have text fit­ted to the curves, and three of which do not.

In one of the text-to-curve cas­es, the text is eas­i­ly legible–unlike the ear­li­er design with US, Japan­ese and Aus­tralian house prices where the text over­lapped; in the sec­ond, it’s an effort to read, part­ly because of the coloured text–but I want at least one shirt with a full range of colours.

I’ll alter­nate wear­ing the T‑shirts on dif­fer­ent days and stages of The Walk, and I will sug­gest to the (so far) three peo­ple who are going to do the whole route with me that we each wear one of them at the start at Par­lia­ment House.

I have also changed to the mod­ern and lin­guis­ti­cal­ly accu­rate spelling of Kosciuszko, and I’ve added the ref­er­ences to the two blogs on the front of the shirt as well as the back, fol­low­ing sug­ges­tions from the blog.

Each of the shirts has a graph­ic to tell part of the sto­ry about why we’ve had a house price bubble–debt, gov­ern­ment manip­u­la­tion with the FHVG, and time. There were one or two sug­ges­tions about doing the T‑shirt with just words (and adding an answer to the ques­tion).

I’d pre­fer to keep some infor­ma­tion con­tent in them that may be rel­e­vant in a future when the bet itself is no longer remem­bered.

All that makes the T‑shirts rather busy–which detracts from the aesthetics–but in the bal­ance between infor­ma­tion and appear­ance, I’ll bias in favour of the for­mer.

The only shirt I’m unsure of is the last, show­ing mort­gage debt to both house­hold dis­pos­able incomes and GDP (the rea­son I have both there is that the fall in the ratio to dis­pos­able income at the end was because the impact of the gov­ern­men­t’s stim­u­lus pack­age and RBA rate cuts on house­hold dis­pos­able income was actu­al­ly larg­er than the increase in mort­gage debt caused by the FHVB; that’s why that ratio fell while the mort­gage debt to GDP ratio rose).

So the five designs are:

Design No. 1

Design No. 2

Design No. 3

Design No. 4

Design No. 5

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