Big Ideas: In place of a podcast

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I’m still hav­ing dif­fi­cul­ties get­ting my pod­casts up and run­ning at the moment, so in lieu here is a link to the ABC Radio Nation­al Big Ideas record­ing of an Evatt Foun­da­tion forum on the Glob­al Finan­cial Cri­sis.

Speak­ers were Bernie Fras­er, ex-Gov­er­nor of the Reserve Bank of Aus­tralia, myself, and Gar­ry Weiss, a cor­po­rate lawyer (this is also the speak­ing order).

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About Steve Keen

I am Professor of Economics and Head of Economics, History and Politics at Kingston University London, and a long time critic of conventional economic thought. As well as attacking mainstream thought in Debunking Economics, I am also developing an alternative dynamic approach to economic modelling. The key issue I am tackling here is the prospect for a debt-deflation on the back of the enormous private debts accumulated globally, and our very low rate of inflation.