A New Year gift suggestion

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Blog­ging on eco­nom­ics and the ecol­o­gy are not nec­es­sar­i­ly eco­nom­ic propo­si­tions, but many of those who do it com­menced for phil­an­thropic rea­sons, rather than finan­cial. One of the plea­sures of blog­ging for me has been meet­ing such peo­ple, and one of my favourites is Nicole Foss, who main­tains the Auto­mat­ic Earth site.

Nicole has just released a new 4 hour video pre­sen­ta­tion enti­tled Fac­ing the Future, co-pre­sent­ed with Lau­rence Boomert and avail­able from the Auto­mat­ic Earth Store. If you’re look­ing for a thought pro­vok­ing gift, or some­thing to stim­u­late your own brain cells over the Fes­tive Sea­son, con­sid­er pur­chas­ing Nicole’s video and help­ing keep the Auto­mat­ic Earth oper­at­ing in 2014.

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About Steve Keen

I am Professor of Economics and Head of Economics, History and Politics at Kingston University London, and a long time critic of conventional economic thought. As well as attacking mainstream thought in Debunking Economics, I am also developing an alternative dynamic approach to economic modelling. The key issue I am tackling here is the prospect for a debt-deflation on the back of the enormous private debts accumulated globally, and our very low rate of inflation.