Argentina, US, Ireland & UK trip

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I will be trav­el­ling for the next two and a half weeks, with the fol­low­ing activ­i­ties planned:

  • Argenti­na, Novem­ber 7–9. Con­tact: Alber­to Muller; amulle AT
  1. Mon­day 7, meet­ing with econ­o­mists at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Buenos Aires; time and place to be deter­mined.
  2. Tues­day 8, at 7 pm, a sem­i­nar on the inter­na­tion­al cri­sis with the Insti­tu­to Argenti­no para el Desar­rol­lo Económi­co (IADE), at the Cen­tro Cul­tur­al de la Coop­eración,  on Aveni­da Cor­ri­entes; with a non simul­ta­ne­ous trans­la­tion into Span­ish by Pro­fes­sor Michel Teubal.
  3. Wednes­day 9, 9–11am, Keynote speech at ECON 2011 (with simul­ta­ne­ous trans­la­tion into Span­ish), Uni­ver­si­ty of Buenos Aires: “Neat, Plau­si­ble and Wrong: the delud­ed dis­ci­pline of eco­nom­ics”, Salón de Actos — Cór­do­ba 2122 — CABA
  • USA, Novem­ber 10–13
  1. Thurs­day 10, live inter­view on Rus­sia Today’s Cap­i­tal Account, which I believe goes to air at 4.30pm Wash­ing­ton time.
  2. Fri­day 11-Sat­ur­day 12. Speak­er and pan­elist at the con­fer­ence Sus­tain­abil­i­ty, Tran­si­tion & Cul­ture Change, Shan­ty Creek Resorts, Bel­laire, Michi­gan. Con­tact: Aaron Wiss­ner; aaron.wissner AT
  3. Sun­day 13-Mon­day 14, New York. (Will vis­it Occu­py Wall Street, but no plans as yet to speak there–happy to do so if invit­ed).
  • Dublin, Ire­land,  Tues­day 15-Wednes­day 16. Speak­ing engage­ments and inter­views organ­ised by TASC. Con­tact: Richard O’Rourke; richard AT
  • UK, Wednes­day 16 (evening)-Saturday 19 (evening)
  1. Thurs­day 17, Lon­don, UK. Inter­views with The Rene­gade Econ­o­mist, The Guardian and BBC Hardtalk.
  2. Fri­day 18, lunchtime talk at Cam­bridge Uni­ver­si­ty. Con­tact: Jasper Sky; jasper­sky AT
  3. Sat­ur­day 19, 2–4.30pm. Work­shop on the finan­cial cri­sis at Occu­py LSX (Lon­don Stock Exchange). Con­tact: tentc­i­tyu­ni­ver­si­ty AT,

I get back to Syd­ney on Novem­ber 21. With 7 cities in 17 days, I’m going to have zero chance to keep up with cor­re­spon­dence and blog main­te­nance, so my apolo­gies if I take time to fix up prob­lems with login, approve com­ments by new mem­bers, etc.

If you’d like to squeeze any­thing else into my crowd­ed sched­ule above, please con­tact the peo­ple list­ed above.

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About Steve Keen

I am Professor of Economics and Head of Economics, History and Politics at Kingston University London, and a long time critic of conventional economic thought. As well as attacking mainstream thought in Debunking Economics, I am also developing an alternative dynamic approach to economic modelling. The key issue I am tackling here is the prospect for a debt-deflation on the back of the enormous private debts accumulated globally, and our very low rate of inflation.