Like a Dog Walking on its Hind Legs”: Krugman’s Minsky Model

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I recent­ly fired a stray shot at Paul Krug­man over his joke paper “The The­o­ry of Inter­stel­lar Trade” (Krug­man 2010), for which I have duly apol­o­gized. How­ev­er in that apol­o­gy I not­ed that Krug­man has also recent­ly pub­lished a draft aca­d­e­m­ic paper pre­sent­ing a New Key­ne­sian mod­el of debt defla­tion, “Debt, Delever­ag­ing, and the Liq­uid­i­ty Trap: A Fish­er-Min­sky-Koo approach” (Eggerts­son and Krug­man 2010), and I observed that I wish this paper was in fact a joke. Here’s why (this is a mod­i­fied extract from my forth­com­ing sec­ond edi­tion of Debunk­ing Eco­nom­ics, which will be pub­lished by Zed Books in about Sep­tem­ber or Octo­ber this year).