News item on Interest Only Mortgages

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Chan­nel 7’s Today Tonight is doing an item on “Inter­est Only Mortgages”–like the prod­uct that ING has recent­ly promoted–and the whole hous­ing bub­ble issue.

They are look­ing for any­one who has been “burnt” by either an inter­est-only loan, or a loan that was pred­i­cat­ed on the expec­ta­tion that house prices would always rise–as is ING’s new product–who is will­ing to be inter­viewed about the expe­ri­ence on cam­era.

The item is being put togeth­er by James Thomas, who did the excellent–and yes, I do mean excel­lent!–“Chang­ing Times” on debt defla­tion in Feb­ru­ary of last year (unfor­tu­nate­ly the clip is no longer avail­able online). I can vouch for James’s pro­fes­sion­al­ism and tact: the item will be well con­struct­ed, and inter­vie­wees will be treat­ed well.

So if you fit the bill and you are will­ing to be inter­viewed on cam­era about the expe­ri­ence, please con­tact James Thomas.

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