Excellent presentation on Scribd on Australian housing

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This pre­sen­ta­tion was not­ed by a blog mem­ber today. Take par­tic­u­lar note of slides 21–20 which com­pare the bal­ance sheets of US and UK banks to that of one Aus­tralian bank, the Com­mon­wealth.

How to Prof­it From the Com­ing Aussie Prop­er­ty Crash (and Bank­ing Cri­sis)

Also a quick note that the site’s serv­er crashed this morn­ing and had to be restored from back­ups. Sev­er­al blog com­ments were lost, includ­ing some from new mem­bers. These records of these new mem­bers might also have been lost, so if that applies to you, please rejoin and resend your com­ment.

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