Stanford and Keen double bill

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Jim Stan­ford, the author of the pop­u­lar  Eco­nom­ics for Every­one (from which the car­toon to the left is tak­en), and I spoke at a dou­ble bill on the glob­al debt cri­sis for the ven­er­a­ble Syd­ney insti­tu­tion “Pol­i­tics in the Pub” last night.

We had a full house for an provoca­tive evening on why the Dis­mal Sci­ence is nei­ther nec­es­sar­i­ly Dis­mal, nor any­thing close to a Sci­ence, and why the debt cri­sis is still with us.

Jim, as well as being an out­stand­ing non-ortho­dox econ­o­mist, is also a very engag­ing speaker–as I whis­pered to the Chair (Pro­fes­sor Frank Stil­well, from Syd­ney Uni­ver­si­ty’s Depart­ment of Polit­i­cal Econ­o­my) while Jim spoke, he was a very hard act to fol­low!

I did my best, though as Jim not­ed, the “No Pow­er­point” rule that Pol­i­tics in the Pub enforces meant that I did­n’t have my usu­al guide on what to say next, and I ram­bled some­what. Jim on the oth­er hand pre­pared his own “Pre-Pow­er­point” guide and gave a much more well struc­tured talk.

Jim is in New Zealand right now, on a self-fund­ed sab­bat­i­cal from his employ­er the Cana­di­an Auto Work­ers Union. If you enjoy what you see in the video below, you can fol­low Jim’s work by vis­it­ing his blog, read­ing his posts on the Pro­gres­sive Eco­nom­ics Forum, and read the occa­sion­al papers he writes for the Post Autis­tic Eco­nom­ics Review.

The video is lengthy–our talks and the ques­tion time after­wards last­ed over two hours–but enter­tain­ing, and it opens with two songs by the Sol­i­dar­i­ty Choir.

Steve Keen’s Debt­watch Pod­cast 

| Open Play­er in New Win­dow

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