Max Keiser Interview

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Max Keis­er inter­viewed me in his ines­timable style on the Max Keis­er Report ear­li­er this week, and the inter­view is now avail­able (the inter­view began at rough­ly mid­night my time on a day that had start­ed for me at 5am, so there are some slips in my deliv­ery here–for instance at one point I say “fail to avoid” when I meant “avoid”).

I’ve had some dif­fi­cul­ties in get­ting the embed to work (the lat­est ver­sion of Word­Press seems to do some­thing unto­ward to the embed code) so you may need to hit the “refresh” but­ton before you’ll see the video below.

The show always starts with an inter­view between Max and his part­ner Sta­cy Her­bert, review­ing the finan­cial news of the last week. It’s enter­tain­ing, infor­ma­tive and provocative–if you haven’t encoun­tered Max before, you’re in for an sur­prise.

The inter­view with Max starts at about the halfway point of the video below, and we cov­er the hous­ing mar­ket, why Aus­tralia has not suf­fered great­ly from the GFC so far, why defla­tion is more like­ly than infla­tion, and what the out­come is like­ly to be of gov­ern­ments attempt­ing to deficit stim­u­late the econ­o­my while ignor­ing the lev­el of pri­vate debt.

Per­ma­nent link to the inter­view.

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