Dinner with Michael Hudson?

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There will be a din­ner with Michael Hud­son and his wife after the talk at Cus­toms House on Fri­day Octo­ber 23rd at a restau­rant called Young Alfred, which is also in Cus­toms House. The din­ner will start at 8pm.

If you’d like to be part of the book­ing, please let me know via an email to me at debunk­ing (at) gmail dot com (spelt out this way to min­imise the addi­tion to the already ridicu­lous amount of spam I receive!).

Please email in the next day or so because we want to finalise num­bers and make a firm book­ing. If I get an over­load, then I’ll give pri­or­i­ty to those who have donat­ed to the cost of Michael’s visit–and dona­tions have raised more than $500, so thanks very much to all those who have con­tributed.

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