Osinski’s “Manhattan Project”

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There’s an inter­est­ing sto­ry in the New York Mag­a­zine by Michael Osin­s­ki–the author of the main soft­ware pack­age used to cre­ate the CMOs and CDOs that have helped crip­ple the finan­cial sys­tem.

Osin­ski’s sto­ry is worth a read in its own right. But what I found curi­ous about it was that he appears unaware of a flaw that exist­ed in those prod­ucts from the outset–the pre­sump­tion that the stan­dard math­e­mat­ics of risk and return could be applied to finan­cial assets. He does­n’t even men­tion this top­ic, but state­ments like the fol­low­ing imply that his soft­ware used a stan­dard prob­a­bil­i­ty dis­tri­b­u­tion to cal­cu­late risk and return for a giv­en bond:

Work­ing with anoth­er pro­gram­mer, I wrote a new mort­gage-backed sys­tem that enabled investors to choose the spe­cif­ic com­bi­na­tions of yield and risk that they want­ed by slic­ing and dic­ing bonds to cre­ate new bonds. It was end­less­ly ver­sa­tile and flex­i­ble. It was the prover­bial mon­ey tree…”

Though these dis­tri­b­u­tions don’t have to be “Gaussian”–the “Nor­mal Dis­tri­b­u­tion” that lies behind the ubiq­ui­tous “Bell Curve”–all these dis­tri­b­u­tions “tend” towards that one, and they cer­tain­ly share one fea­ture: they have finite vari­ances around the mean out­come.

Sor­ry for some of the sta­tis­ti­cal jar­gon so far: the basic point is that, if some process–like rolling dice at a casino–follows one of these dis­tri­b­u­tions, then you can cal­cu­late both the aver­age score (which for a roll of two dice is 7) and the odds of a par­tic­u­lar score (say 12, the odds of which are one in 36) com­ing up. You can also cal­cu­late that some out­comes are so rare as to be effec­tive­ly impossible–such as rolling 12 twelve times in a row (such an out­come would occur only once in every 5 mil­lion tril­lion attempts).

The prob­lem is that mort­gage defaults aren’t like dice rolls. Which face on one dice turns up on the top does­n’t affect what the oth­er dice do: a 6 on one dice has absolute­ly no impact on the like­li­hood of anoth­er dice also turn­ing up 6. But if your neigh­bour defaults on a hous­ing loan, you are more like­ly to do so too–because her mort­gagee sale will depress the like­ly price for your house, and her dis­ap­pear­ance from the neigh­bour­hood will decrease incomes there, indi­rect­ly affect­ing yours, and so on.

Cru­cial­ly, price ris­es in an asset mar­ket are also cor­re­lat­ed: a ris­ing asset mar­ket leads to the ris­ing expec­ta­tions that Min­sky’s “Finan­cial Insta­bil­i­ty Hypoth­e­sis” describes so well, and a falling one puts the process in reverse.

In this sense, asset price move­ments have more in com­mon with earth­quakes than with dice rolls. The best stylised mod­el of an earth­quake was built by a physi­cist called Per Bak–he called it “the sand­pile mod­el”.

Con­sid­er a child build­ing a mound of sand at a beach by smooth­ly pour­ing dry sand out of a buck­et. Ini­tial­ly, the sand spreads wide, then it gets to the point where side­ways move­ment requires more force than each sand grain can impart, so the mound begins to rise up. It gets steeper–approaching a pyra­mid shape–and as it gets steep­er, the struc­ture gets pre­car­i­ous. Then anoth­er grain is added, and the whole struc­ture sud­den­ly col­laps­es in an avalanche. The avalanche then stops, the pyra­mid is much less steep, the sand pile broad­er. The child con­tin­ues adding sand, it pyra­mid rebuilds, then col­laps­es at some trig­ger point, and so on.

The process build­ing the sand pile does­n’t change–it’s always more sand grains drop­ping out of the bucket–but at some­what unpre­dictable moments, the behav­iour of the aggre­gate sand pile changes, from build­ing upwards to col­laps­ing, and then rebuild­ing again.

The pat­tern repli­cates what we see with earth­quakes: move­ments in the earth­’s tec­ton­ic plate occur all the time, and most of the time, each move­ment just adds to the exist­ing lev­el of ten­sion between those plates. But every now and then, one addi­tion­al move­ment occurs, the whole mass shifts, and a major earth­quake results. As Per Bak put it, “a big earth­quake is a small one that does­n’t stop”.

The pat­tern of move­ments you get from such a process can look super­fi­cial­ly like a Nor­mal distribution–the famous Bell Curve–but it dif­fers from it in two fun­da­men­tal ways. First­ly, there are many more move­ments near the aver­age; sec­ond­ly, there are also many more move­ments way, way away from the average–so many more that, in what is known as a pure “Pow­er Law” dis­tri­b­u­tion, the stan­dard devi­a­tion is infi­nite: any scale event can occur, and will occur giv­en enough time.

What does that mean for CDOs and CMOs? Since they pre­sumed a “Nor­mal” dis­tri­b­u­tion (or at best one drawn from the class of sta­tis­ti­cal dis­tri­b­u­tions where stan­dard devi­a­tions are finite), they cat­e­gor­i­cal­ly ruled out the pos­si­bil­i­ty of “large events”–such as, for exam­ple, house prices falling 10% in a year.

There is no exam­ple of the num­bers Osin­ski’s  pro­grams may have used, but for exam­ple if a bond had assumed that house prices move up at 5% a year with a stan­dard devi­a­tion of 2% around that trend, then a 5% fall in house prices would only occur once every 3.5 mil­lion years. A 10% fall would only occur once every 31 tril­lion years–it sim­ply could­n’t hap­pen.

Yeah, right.

In fact, in a Pow­er Law process, move­ments of that scale will occur, and far more fre­quent­ly than pre­dict­ed by these stan­dard prob­a­bil­i­ty func­tions.  Osin­s­ki shows no aware­ness of this:

It hurts when peo­ple say I caused this mess. I was and am quite proud of the work I did. My soft­ware was a del­i­cate, intri­cate web of log­ic. They don’t under­stand, I tell myself. Per­haps it was too com­pli­cat­ed. But we live in a world large­ly of our own device. How to adjust and con­trol these com­plex­i­ties, with­out sti­fling inno­va­tion, is the prob­lem.

He could­n’t be proud of what he has done, had he known that he had used a fun­da­men­tal­ly inap­pro­pri­ate mod­el as the foun­da­tion of how risk and return were cal­cu­lat­ed. As usu­al, igno­rance rules in this fol­ly.

I’ll return to this top­ic in more detail in next mon­th’s Debt­watch.

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About Steve Keen

I am Professor of Economics and Head of Economics, History and Politics at Kingston University London, and a long time critic of conventional economic thought. As well as attacking mainstream thought in Debunking Economics, I am also developing an alternative dynamic approach to economic modelling. The key issue I am tackling here is the prospect for a debt-deflation on the back of the enormous private debts accumulated globally, and our very low rate of inflation.